Sport Australia

Working with the Australian Sports Commission, Ladoo supported the release of the Sport Australia brand through the design and development of a new responsive website.

Strategic transition

With the Sport Australia brand launch imminent, a transitional approach to the new site was developed. The transitional strategy allowed for the new brand and user-focussed IA to emerge at the forefront of the site while providing uniterupted access to the vast repository of information and resources that already existed.


Everyday Australians

Parents and Families

Schools and teachers




Sport scientists

Rapid ideation

Ladoo engaged the Sport Australia team in a series of ideation workshops in order to establish the direction. Prototypes were developed for the new home page, campaign page and navigation systems which were the basis for the initial release.

The initial launch provided a platform for new campaign and awareness initiatives while also road-testing the re-vamped navigation. This agile approach allowed for quick wins while the full design and development continued iteratively.

A fresh brand for Aussie Sport

The Australian Sports Commission created a new public facing brand which became the impetus for the project


Quick release

With the brand launch locked in, the first iteration saw the new home page and media area released with access to legacy content via the new IA.

  • Home Page
  • Navigation
  • Media Centre
  • Site Search
  • Campaign features

Modular and flexible design system

The modular approach to design and development ensured each subsequent iteration added new features to the site which enhanced the experience across a range of different areas as the design system evolved.

Existing content areas were transitioned over to the new site over time with each iteration having clear focus on different subject matter areas. The process ensured new areas of the site were released at the end of each iteration.

Modular and flexible
design system

The foundation for the design system was set in the early iterations and developed over time. Each new area of the site utilised the existing design system, with new features added as necessary to suit the experience needs.